Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Captivity - Day 82 Revenge of the Windshield Wipers

I've been telling you something's up with the weather, as it's been incredibly nice for days in a row. That was my first clue. My most recent clue is that taking out the trash cans, having them picked up, and returning them is always accompanied by rain. Thus far, there has been no rain. Do you see what I'm talking about?

Speaking of the Great White North, I was watching a few documentaries on a famous ufo event in Canada and came across this one. Aboot 35 seconds in, right after the deep-voiced announcer stops talking, are interviews with 2 townspeople. Listen to their accents. Tell me if they require subtitles.

You're not gonna believe this, but I found a conspiracy in this video. The accents are so,.... ummm... original, on purpose, so you won't concentrate on the content.  OK, maybe not, but this is a real sighting, involving many in this town, the RCMP, coast guard, and the US navy. The US navy... investigating a submerged ufo or 2, in Canada. Go figger.... The incident has been heavily researched and there are lots more videos on it. This is a talk by the main researcher. I was confused, because he said 'abote' instead of aboot.

It's almost here... Bill & Ted Face the Music - same cast, including the bereft of life George Carlin. I liked the first 2 movies.

I watched her this morning.
As long as I live, a woman taking her bra off under her shirt will always fascinate me.

And fart jokes will always be funny.

My dogs develop bedtime rituals.
Marshall, bless him, would come up to me in bed and I'd scratch his ears for a few minutes, every night.  Penny runs up to my pillow and licks my forehead until she has to be physically removed from it. Any doggie shrinks out there?

Dear Mr Star Hoagie Maker:

We have to talk.
Remember the order a few days ago? Let me give you some feedback. Maybe it will help you in the future.

When I say no mayonnaise, it is not up for interpretation.
Like many people, I do not put mayonnaise on meat. Aside from being disgusting to me, it has the unintended benefit(?) of making the innards slide out the other side. I took a bite and everything inside rocketed out the other end, onto my plate (thankfully). So here I am, holding my meat, providing a little constructive criticism.   Note: the same applies to anchovies.

I realize you have a menu and probably have to turn your brain off to work an 8 hour hoagie shift - I don't blame you. This is more of an observation: when a customer gets a choice and says 'surprise me,' it doesn't look good standing there, stammering, stopping, attempting to speak, and having to go far inside to gauge the meaning, then saying "Huh?" This doesn't bother me at all the first time. In fact, it's kinda funny. The second time it loses its luster.

Lastly, when you take an order and tell the customer it will be 15-20 minutes, it's tremendously bad form to lose the order, surprising your coworker who had to ask the customer what his order was and tell him it will be another 15-20 minutes.

I hope you are well, Newbie, and your hoagie skills blossom. I want to come back frequently.


I can't help myself.
Don't read past here if you're not interested in Floyd, Black Lives Matter, and looting news

In the 1st Amendment department, in New Jersey, there was a counter-march to Black Lives Matter by some white guys, who re-enacted the Floyd murder. Thus far, a Fedex and an NJ corrections officer were fired for taking part. Everybody from the mayor down was horrified. Freedom of speech includes speech of people you find abhorrent, folks. Would they still be working if they were on the BLM side?

Viral photos show Walmart locked up African American hair products, but not cracker hair products. Naturally there's OUTRAGE across the world. Here's another place where you are NOT allowed to bring up the truth.

Peaceful march drone surveillance came under fire by democrats and republicans. These are the same people who re-authorized and expanded the Patriot Act to unlawfully spy on you.

A statistically-gifted policeman in Tulsa, Oklahoma, said "We're shooting African-Americans less than ought to based on crimes committed." He will be very popular at the marches.

HBO pulled Gone With the Wind.
The 1939 film has long been considered controversial for its depiction of Black people and its positive view of slavery.  Orwell Comes Alive.

Ghana Invites African Americans to ‘Come Home’ in Wake of U.S. Protests.
The only problem I see here is that Ghana was a hub for the slave trade, so the demand for reparations would still stand.

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