Sunday, May 3, 2020

Captivity - Day 44 It's always darkest before the lights go out for the last time

I like the way this software lines up the posts. Yesterday's was Day 43, therefore, today's must be Day 44; except in New Jersey, where it's 37.

I am doing my part to help everyone with the weather. It's gorgeous-looking, with temperatures near 80. I am voluntarily staying inside so it doesn't snow. Remember this when I need a favor, please.

There's a new tv commercial, wherein  you pay for this thingie that looks like a plastic skateboard, and you swing around on it to burn weight. The commercial is hosted by some blonde lady (directly from the Blonde Lady Factory), with measurements that are borderline impossible, but men don't know this and women keep trying for it. Said host is endearing to both genders because of her mammalian protuberances, the bottoms of which actually call out your name and have a brief conversation with your pheremones (even if you're 83). Where were we? Oh yeah, weight burning. Watching the people demonstrate has no connection with reality, including the grandmotherly lady. No one you know is going to stand on this plastic thing, no less use it for anything other than creating a walking hazard on the floor. Our intrepid reporter, Penny, went out to thoroughly inspect this fraud exercise hospital, wherein you are served the most disgusting mush ever, on a tray, and youhe hospital, wherein you are served the most disgusting mush ever, on a tray, and you equipment. Penny determined that it works for burning weight, but not in the way you think. You attempt to use it, fall on your ass, the ambulance takes you to the hospital, wherein you are served the most disgusting mush ever, on a tray, and you refuse to eat it. You lose weight rapidly and have to take your nutrients from a bag next to your bed. So you haven't entirely burned weight, but you've lost it. Maybe you developed an eating disorder in the meantime and will continue to lose weight. Or take your nutrition through a bag.

Speaking of New Jersey, reports are that everyone was well-behaved on the first open day 'downa shoor' (down at the shore)  How did they know the Flying AIDS would be all cleared up by yesterday?

Idiot Mayor of Philly proposed tax increases and layoffs to combat fallout from the Flying AIDS. Idiot Mayor needs to spend some quality time in another country, where the answer to all questions is not Raise Taxes. And they re-elect this disgrace, in spite of Sanctuary City and taxes on drinks.

People often wonder why we have a 2nd Amendment. A city in Oklahoma walked back an emergency declaration requiring customers to wear face masks inside businesses after threats of violence were hurled at store employees. The people got MAD and then got MEAN. In no way should they have they gone after the poor hourly grunts, but this illustrates why there's a 2nd Amendment. When government becomes oppressive, it's time to change government. No matter what's on tv.

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