Friday, May 22, 2020

Captivity - Day 63 Return of the SJW

The University of California (of course) has dropped the SATs because they're unfair to minority and poor students.

Lori Laughlin was found guilty and surrendered in the case of paying so her rotten child could get into college.  Why doesn't Lori Laughlin surrender to me?

With the Memorial Day weekend upon us, people are revving their internal and automobile motors to get the f- out of their houses. Some just want the freedom of driving around the block. Some want to go into the water without their mayor dragging them back out. Some want to avoid social distancing in the water. Some will delight in hearing their little bastards misbehave at a restaurant, affecting everyone around them. Ah, the good old days.

Speaking of good old days, restaurants and other public places can make use of the Cone of Silence (from the 1965 sitcom Get Smart). Married people can use the device at home. Little did they know they were producing the first encrypted text messenger...

Like Get Smart, I missed the first runnings of the show. I also missed Paul Lynde, the funniest of the Hollywood Squares. Paul was gay before it became fashionable. He was a self-loathing homosexual who channeled it into his retorts. He was damn funny.  You won't see much of him today, except as Roger the Alien on American Dad. Roger was given Paul's voice as a nod to the performer.

You've seen the news lately, with each of the talking heads talking from a room in their house. A study the other day said people would rather watch movies from home, as opposed to the movie theater. Hollywood, always a follower, never a leader, heard this news and will now put out new movies, starring:

Johnny Depp, from his laundry room, as a rocker/pirate or something.
Al Pacino, from his foyer, as Generic Italian Guy #2.
Robert De Niro, from his balcony, shouting about punching the president, featuring the Secret Service, just under the balcony, tapping his phone.
Nicolas Cage, from front yard, as Man Battling Hair Loss
Sandra Bullock, from her upstairs bathroom, where we sit there and watch her breathe.
Cameron Diaz, from her #4 clothing closet, changing bikinis

All starring in the brand new Hollywood, never before seen production, of A Star is Born (on my couch).

Idiot Governor 'eyes lifting' of many more pandemic restrictions.
You know, the restrictions that were in place yesterday. Because one day makes the difference. We have no idea what we're doing or what we know.

If you intend to spend some of your 3 day weekend on tv, my advice for you is don't. Wife looked around for her programs last night and tv was Devoid of Content, in an extreme fashion. The alleged content mostly consisted of celebrities, at their houses, talking, singing, and repairing the world through music. Yes, their alleged music was going to heal the Flying AIDS. Social distancing wasn't always used, and the only thing to do during this was to watch for social distancing errors and yell at the screen. My wife did that. I shook my head and cried for music in general. Everywhere I looked, this crap came up. Even the tiny little out of copyright channels had these idiot shows. We gave up quickly. There was nothing to do but put in DVDs or, heaven forbid, YouTube. I chose sex, she did not, which pretty much describes our sex life in general. It was stunning in its total lack of talent. Vapidity. Sadness. Lack of soul. And really fat women with less clothes than they needed in any society. I'd rather count dust particles on the ceiling.

There were Fix The World from our Living Room shows on the radio too, but they got shot down when the SJWs discovered there were no sign language interpreters.

The state sport of California is the car chase. I don't do sports, but there's something about California car chases that's just so much fun, I have to watch. You can frequently find it live on YouTube. Part of the actual chase is the audience. They'll figure out the route of the chase and will do anything they can to get on tv. This particular chase after a truckjacking, featured an audience member positioning himself in the middle of the road, throwing something at the pickup.  Another citizen helper blocked the truck with his own truck. Finally a wheel fell off, which didn't seem to bother the thief at all; he continued to lead the police on a medium-speed speed.

The chase was ended by Governor Newsom, who outlawed chases because it wasn't fair to minorities, and there wasn't any social distancing or masks.

it's so sunny and nice there....

lefty's Law
Anything that can possibly go wrong will go wrong.

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