Saturday, May 9, 2020

Captivity - Day 50 Quicky Divorces

The hair in my peanut butter is very flimsy, definitely not of human origin. It's way too thin and curly to be Penny's.  This can mean only one thing: Penny's bringing in a friend at night.

Outside it's another battle, with brown, green, and the clouds rushing in to cover any trace of the sun.  The tv, now used strictly for background news, features a commercial for a sun-powered light that comes on automatically. Little do the producers know that anything running on sun power won't sell in PA because of so little sun. As a result, I'll be getting pizza tonight. It's the best pizza in the country. The only reason I haven't moved to someplace with an actual climate is that the pizza place won't move with me. One day was got a stromboli instead and I just sat there, staring at it. Mrs lefty asked what was wrong and I couldn't bring myself to speak. It. Wasn't. Pizza. To this day, I still shake when remembering that.

Little Richard (87) issued his final Tutti Fruitty and died of bone cancer. RIP.

San Antonio passed a resolution declaring 'Chinese virus' as hate speech.
The United States passed a resolution declaring 'San Antonio' as hate speech.
The First Amendment is on antidepressants.

Royal Caribbean crew went on a hunger strike until the company proves it will send them home. With my vast medical and financial knowledge, I can tell you this will not end well. You're already taking your life in your hands as a paying customer on Royal Caribbean. The only question is what they're going to do with the bodies of the crew.

The human spirit will never be put down: A Colombian company created a bed that can double as a coffin.

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