Sunday, May 31, 2020

Captivity - Day 72 Now the shoe's on the wrong hand

It's weird again.
Not only is it warm, it's light. There's not a looter in sight.
I'm like a psychotic poet.

It's so beautiful outside, there must be a tornado on the way.

I feel really bad for releasing this, but I found out the looters' plan for tonight: at 6pm, they will loot the libraries and book stores, where they will hold a sit-in and demand the librarian read books on civil disobedience. To avoid SWAT, they will be socially distanced. So as not to cause too much damage, they will only enter buildings where the doors are unlocked. There will be no incindiery devices and no one will be allowed to smoke. TV coverage will be minimal and Crosby and Stills will play an acoustic set (Nash is undergoing 'treatment' at an undisclosed facility in California). The looters will clean up after themselves and leave donations to the library and small businesses in the area.

Today's most ironic item: in protest of the Floyd protest, Target has closed (at least 3 stores were destroyed).

The National Guard was called out in Philthydelphia and Montgomery County, where a very expensive mall is located. Do the math.  The looting started around noon today. Ever helpful, Idiot Mayor did everything but blame Trump for starting fires himself. He and Idiot Governor went on about social injustice and very little about not destroying and looting. Idiot Governor said they were working on justice, with people of color in positions.  How does this help? Are only people of color qualified for the positions? Or women?

Also, for unknown reasons, I found myself awake at 6am. This only happens for trips to the airport and showers with a friend. This must be a sign. Of what, I'm frightened. This probably means the napping will be good today.

At this hour of the morning, tv is beyond dead skunk. There's religious shows, 30 minute commercials for penis enlargers, exercise equipment with a 60 day guarantee and a 30 day guarantee that you'll never use anyway, game shows from the 1970s, religious shows, and the only thing I can stand, "Beat the Press."

Speaking of shortcuts, if you delete something, especially something important, ctrl-z will bring it back (in most programs). You didn't lose that sentence!  To avoid having to bring back text, set the program to backup frequently or do it manually (witcher hands).

Speaking of bladder leak underwear, there is a commercial for a new line of them. Well, that's nice, at least for the women who suffer from bladder leak. Oddly, there were no men. Regardless, there were models. I would guess that most people are not up for seeing bladder leak underwear commercials, no less one with models.  To put the cherry on top, some of the models are..... a little plus size. I know, I know, they want to show people they come in larger sizes, but isn't there a way to do it without showing a lady of 380lbs+ (450 litres Canadian), dancing around only in their product? Even the plus size women I know do not want to see this. We don't even want to see the 125lb models. The fashion industry lies to us by telling us most women are sizes 4-10. Can't we just believe the lie?

It's very early in the morning and gravity is up before I am. Either gravity or assault. While making coffee, a very large and very sharp knife launched itself at my foot. Great - add Mrs lefty and there are 2 things trying to kill me in the house.  Didja notice that I never type about great sums of money or expensive, old, left handed guitars arriving?

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