Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Captivity - Day 67 It's a rectal thermometer, Jimmy

I can't do that - I have an appointment.
An appointment?
Yes, I have an appointment to do nothing all day.

The weather forecast is definitely brown today - probably to make up for a nice weekend.

Speaking of shorts you shouldn't wear, it's Tuesday, which is effectively Monday, because you had Monday off. Tuesday, even if it's Monday, is the day you come back to work, even if it's down the steps. Hopefully you haven't let gravity carry you down the steps. If you had a particularly good 3 day weekend, it could happen. In my case, the dog has turned the steps into an obstacle course. She's sitting on the top step, deliberately being a spaniel, with that fake excited look on her face. What she forgot was that she spends her time with her mommy, so when she's on the steps, something's up.  And let's face it - anybody in the house is going to trip over anything on the floor. In the air. On the ceiling. Furniture. Lamps, and garages. And dust - especially dust. We are the only ones beta testing the new Conair Dust Generator. For years we thought it was just us, until some smartass told us what was going on.

Where was I?
Oh yeah, Tuesday that appears as Monday.
Since the sober-avoiders and work avoidance advocates were 'at work' all weekend, you have a ton of work to do. The weekend folks complete one piece of work, to make it look like they worked. Meanwhile you just did the rest of it. You're starting to suspect the weekend crew has other jobs and just log in for fun (and the paychecks).

Some days feature some bands. Today it's ZZ Top.
Great stuff, from their first album on.
I have 2 questions: What is a squank? What is snappy kakkie?

Speaking of kakkie, the president and the president hopeful were out paying their respects to the dead. When Melania boarded the helicopter, onlookers had to be told the president was there too.  Joe Biden took a wreath to the tomb of the unknown soldier. After he was done, he put the wreath on his head and asked when they were going swimming.

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