Saturday, April 4, 2020

Captivity - Day 15

Seriously - a show about fat white guys catching fish?
Apparently it gets worse: a competition between fat white guys from the north and fat white guys from the south. So catching fish isn't enough, no sir.... competitive fish-catching it is. Small wonder my biblical coworker keeps telling me it's the End Times.

Naturally, one of the fat white guys says Game Changer. This is a phrase I'm beyond sick of and have issued an edict against. As if to mock me personally, more people say it.

It's a great day - I became awake before noon.
The sun is actually in the sky, which is nice, but not to worry; the clouds are doing their best to completely obscure it. Most days they win. You can watch this war, if you've got nothing better to do. Like us. Next I'll complain about individual specs of dust. That's a lot of complaining.

Someone referred to the situation as House Arrest. Nice.

It was only 2 hours til my 1st nap of the day. When I got up, I felt like taking my 2nd nap immediately but somehow dragged myself up.  It was at least an hour before I had my 2nd nap. I had a dream about an old girlfriend, a donkey, chocolate syrup, and a huge condom. I'm really bad at dream interpretation and even if I dug him up, Freud would have no idea.

We're a little house-crazy so we were thinking about getting out. Perhaps we can plan a big trip to get some takeout food. Hell, at this point, I'd go shoe shopping, with or without Mrs lefty.

Law and Order SUV was on tv.
Of course it was - Law and Order is on any channel in any country in any time zone. Even the aliens can get it, long before they hit the Earth. What they must think of us...

TV is muted because I don't really watch it. Now that I think of it, I muted the tv before my first nap. Mrs lefty has been talking on the phone for the entirely of my 1st nap. It's a wonder her jaw never gets tired (no jokes, please).

So people are increasingly wearing masks. I heard the CDC has officially recommended it, but I keep forgetting to take in much news. This is not a foreign topic, as people have been suggesting I wear a mask for most of my life.

I just realized, with horror, that the 10 Commandments is on. So much for talking to Mrs lefty for the next 6 hours. 1 hour for each commandment.

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