Friday, April 17, 2020

Captivity - Day 28 Who has my rectal thermometer

Let's use our new words in a sentence:
We have flattened the curve, using social distancing and sheltering-in-place.

Remember - if you're sheltering-in-place, you don't have to wash your hands.

RIP Brian Dennehy (81), natural causes (at 81?)

I had vanilla yogurt this morning. There is nothing on the bottom to mix, like fruit yogurt. There goes my exercise today.

The neighbor's at it again, after 8 hours yesterday.
I looked it up and discovered that if you're planting grass by the blade, you have to come back the next day to polish it.

Well, technically. The only difference between tomorrow is sleeping late (that's a good thing).

"Speaking of jail, there's this: "Quarantine leads to murder"
and this
"Cannabalism suspected in Brooklyn"

Idiot Governor hasn't said anything about this, but I'm going to go ahead and give you the Stay out of New Yawk suggestion.

The doctor finally got his teleconference software operating (with the help of the 13 year old kid from next door. He prescribed some new medicine.

I don't want another pill, Doc. The idea is to decrease the meds.
What's it for?

It stops your ears from dancing all the time, like you're doing now.

But you have to remember to cut down on your connoflavin.

But Doc - that stuff saved my life 10 years ago. If I take less of it, well... do you want me to come to your office with a large, automatic weapon and some panties?

Ah, Mr lefty, I see your point. Here's what we'll do.
You take the connoflavin  and remove the corners - that should help.
Now I'll give you this prescripton.

For what?

Well, it's an anti-resin complex with triple A's. As I said before, it keeps your ears quiet, It will help you fix the car, and call your mother-in law rude names. It's for taking care of the nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea that the other pills may cause. Make sure you're not pregnant.

Hmmmmm, maybe I'll take the prescription after all.

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