Monday, April 6, 2020

Captivity - Day 17

It's Monday- back to work, at the same place you spent your weekend. And the week before that.

Idiot governor strikes again: state police ticket woman for 'going for a drive'.
Vair ah your paperz?
There is absolutely no reason for this. None. Idiot governor is a first class ass, as are the state troopers for enforcing it. This is not a police state (yet), or maybe it is. Protests have been registered.

Say it with me: Dunkin Frozen Hot Chocolate. Go get one.

Lines to get into grocery stores.
I'm working, so Mrs lefty is shopping.
Dog is napping. She practices a lot and seems to have it down.

Speaking of shopping, Costco was as-normal, with 60% masked.
20% naked. Costco pays employees to wipe down carts (their resumes read Cart Wiper). There are buckets with hand wipes. There are troughs with tiger dung. This is a shame, as it was just discovered that tigers can get the Flying AIDS too. I don't know about you, but I'm not sticking a thermometer up there. To add authenticity, there were old people leaving their carts in the middle of aisles and backing over people in the parking lot.

We picked up one of those industrial-size masks for the car, just in case.
Since it was Costco, we also picked up oil filters (limit 2 per customer), new knobs for the stereo, Barbie seat covers, a Jeff Beck air freshener, and a Ron Jeremy shifter knob.


I read here and there about people having trouble over the lockdowns.
Depression, anxiety, claustrophobia, and whatever else....
There's no question that captivity can cause these symptoms.

[Standard Disclaimer] I am not a doctor, medical professional, or mental health worker.

Were you treated for any of these conditions before? What helped? Can you reach your therapist/doctor and try again? Can you reach someone else in the practice? Therapists are doing audio and video treatment, so you don't have to leave your house., whether you can or not.

  • Gotta dog? Take the dog for a walk.
  • No dog? Go for a walk.
  • Got dirt? Play in it. Do some gardening. You're not likely to pick anything up while playing with plants. I'm told this is a good antidepressant, along with exercise of any variety.
  • Read a book: it will take you away.
  • You probably have some old projects you wanted to get to but never had the time. Now's the time.
  • The internet is FULL of things to do, study, learn, and mindless entertainment. Same with tv. Many colleges and universities have free courses
  • try/learn meditation. YouTube has a ton of videos, plus specific frequencies that help out with different issues. YouTube has everything, including how to fix your dryer.
  • Research JFK - it's fascinating and there's no shortage of information. UFOs too. Whatever floats your boat. Rent a boat.
  • Listen to yourself breathe.
Take care of yourself. This is the most important thing you can do.

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