Monday, April 6, 2020

Captivity - Day 16

One of the reasons we love dogs is that they're always happy to see us.
Penny is no exception. Even walking into my office from a different room, she's happy to see me. Even popping into bed at 4am and licking my face for a few minutes, she's happy to see me. While the wife is saying "Penny, leave him alone," she's happy to see me. Sometimes when I get up, I don't feel like I've slept. No idea why.

Idiot governor has recommended masks. 
Idiot governor knows you can't buy masks anywhere in the country.

Bored this morning, he urged the faithful not to attend religious services for the upcoming holidays. Well, at least he hasn't passed laws against it. I'd hate to drive by the church on Easter and see police escorting parishioners into buses for quarantine in some old Walmart. Or sealing the entire building in plastic, with everyone inside.

I believe Idiot governor is Jewish. Recommending people stay away from synagogues is a very clever move: have you ever tasted matzoh? The best description is, like Pizza Hut pizza, it's virtually indistinguishable from the box it comes in. Some prefer the box.

One of Trump's High Muckety Mucks said don't go to the grocery store.
Now he tells us.
I'll just call the grocery store and give them a small list of the 400 items we need, with the specific brands. You know this isn't going to make a difference, because the groceries are all touched anyway, so you might as well order a small container of the Flying AIDS. Plus you'll miss walking around the store, seeing everyone looking like operating room staff or banditos.  Then I'll have them deliver everything and charge it to the White House.

It didn't take me long to adjust to the masks in the supermarket, but the banditos were completely foreign. How do they tell the banditos from actual criminals trying to rob the place? "Will this be all, or would you like me to open the safe too?" "Last 2 toilet paper rolls or the contents of my cash drawer?" The other people in line are chanting "Toilet paper. Toilet paper!"

I wore one of those masks a while back, while painting. It was pretty solid. I can't imagine why people think looking like banditos is going to protect them. Even dummies like me know that the holes in cotton weave are huge compared to masks. If you're going to do it, at least wear custom bandito-wear. Maybe black, with a "C" on it. Or "Fever Free" in script. How about "Undiagnosed" to keep people away from you. A t-shirt that says "I'm lucky - I only have AIDS."

If you're looking for something to watch, HBO is offering a bunch of shows and movies free, via their app or their website. There's also a Gilligan's Island marathon on some other channel we don't get. I'd be riveted to that, but I have a self-dentistry marathon today.

It was delightfully sunny when I woke up (before noon, at 11:30), but, true to form, the clouds are winning their war on the sun, darkening the area. The PA state bird is the cloud. When the sun comes out, the airport has to shut down all flights. Mothers drag their children into the house. People use sunscreen if they have to be near windows. Car windows can't be tinted that dark. Stores close. Hmmm..... this weather thing is almost like a virus.

Good Word

A big ThermionicEmissions salute to the people on the front lines. Doctors, nurses, police, fire, ambulance, cashiers, and Dunkin Donuts employees. These people are literally risking their lives for us. Hospitals are understaffed because employees are getting sick. Major points to these people. Maybe we can do something to support them, now or later. Ask around.

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