Saturday, April 4, 2020

The Masks Don't Help and We Look Like Weenies

Since we're all inside, less stuff happens, so we have to go with what we find.

  • Amazon is having a rough time with shipping deadlines. I think they should throw all boxes in bleach. No one will be afraid to touch them.

YMCA, by the Village People, is going into the Library of Congress.
I did some checking and Led Zeppelin isn't in the Library of Congress. Dr Dre will be inducted this year because that's obviously music (?), along with Whitney Houston. Surprisingly, Jimi Hendrix and Jeff Beck have good showings.

It's like the Grammys, but not quite as confusing.

  • It's at times like these we can reflect on the positives of this situation. For instance, it might be hard to find toilet paper, but Caramel M&Ms are on sale.

Amazon, hiring 100,000 employees, has a small problem, in that employees at 9 warehouses have contracted coronavirus. I was right - the 100,000 were replacements.

  • News said up to 10% of New York City's police are sick. If this continues, people will walk around, openly flaunting their 64oz sodas.

There are many articles online about what you should and shouldn't do. One says going outside is good for physical and mental health (as long as nobody is near you). I told you exercise causes cancer. Or in the case, the Flying AIDS.

  • Southeast Pennsylvania Transportation Agency (SEPTA), the company that runs public transportation, says they're at 6% ridership.
  • They're still running late.

The US Space Force has successfully launched its first mission.
What is it?  That's classified.
When did it launch? You don't have a need to know.
What did it cost? More than COVID-19 bailouts
What does that patch on your uniform say? "Space Force: Bringing Freedom to Space"

Today I identify as   a tampon

Light travels at the speed of 186k miles per second.
A Light Year is light traveling at 186k miles per second for every second of every minute, hour, day, week, and month for a entire year. 
That comes to 5.8 trillion miles. 
The US government is 3½ Light Years in debt.

Now that most of us across the planet have to stay home, it's past time to figure out what's up. It must be good, because it's not restricted to any one people, country, or economy.

The first thing to ask in any situation is who benefits...
Well, there's a great opportunity for one or more Big Pharma corporations to score. Not sure if this is long-term enough to make it worth the trouble.

One group benefits: the governments, who have enacted shutdowns and violations of civil rights. China clamped down immediately. Others followed. When this is over, are every one of our rights going to be restored? Several states have used the Flying AIDS to close gun stores. This is what we call an agenda.

If we take this far out there, it's another part of George Bush's New World Order. The UN has been working on this forever, as have the Bilderbergers, Trilateral Commission, and the Council on Foreign Relations. Hillary and Henry Kissinger are members of these groups. Look them up - I did. It's hiding in plain sight.

This is just the obvious stuff. Send a comment with your ideas.

SJW Simpering

COVID-19 is a gendered crisis.

Nurses, nurse aides, teachers, child carers and early-childhood educators, aged-care workers and cleaners are mostly women.

They are on the frontline of this public health crisis and carry a disproportionate risk of being exposed to the virus.

Idiot Governor, top right

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